
Channel Live 2023

Chairs for Channel Live 2023

Larato is delighted to announce we have agreed to chair both theatres for Channel Live 2023 in Birmingham. As business development experts with a specialism in ICT, we have been attending this event since 2006. During that time, we have benefited from new business opportunities, invaluable ICT news and enhanced industry relationships.

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Learn about how to conduct marketing due diligence

How to Conduct Marketing Due Diligence

The value of mergers and acquisitions in the UK nearly tripled in 2021 from £15.5 to £46.0 billion. Regardless of which side of these deals you’re on, due diligence is the key to a successful outcome.

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Pricing strategy

Restart stalled growth by adapting your pricing strategy

When growth drops, it can be almost instinctive for a business to look at its prices and decide how it can reduce them without impacting profits too materially. This is the wrong place to start, even though it might be where you finish. Follow the steps in this guide to get your pricing strategy right.

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PSTN Switchoff Misconceptions

PSTN Misconceptions

The PSTN switch-off is a significant change for the U.K.’s phone network and will significantly impact businesses and consumers. At Larato, we measured business people’s perceptions of the PSTN and ISDN switch-off in May 2021 and again in May 2022, and the results were telling.

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How to stimulate innovation

How to stimulate innovation

James McQuivey from Forrester released a book about Digital Disruption; it’s a good read about how digital technology impacts the global trading environment. I was particularly taken with James’ description of bringing the customers’ perspective into an organisation’s thinking about innovation. In my view, this doesn’t just apply to digital innovation – it applies to all innovation.

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Five Minutes with a Seller

Larato sat down with a seller to find out what they wanted from an investor, which aspects of the process were most challenging and how timely access to the right data played a part in their decision making.

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Less Prospects, More Knowledge

According to recent research, just 17% of salespeople believe they are pushy, compared to the 50% of prospects also asked.
We aren’t shocked right? That makes a lot of sense. So many tech sales don’t go through to closure, there must be a miscommunication between salespeople who think they are on to something and prospects trying to escape. That’s never going to end well.

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