Making a difference in the West Midlands

Helping every business benefit from technology


Complete this form to be matched with local experts that specialise in your technology needs.


Technology companies! Apply here to be part of the ‘Making a difference’ initiative in the West Midlands Combined Authority. 
Local businesses need your help to choose and use the right technology for their growth ambitions. ‘Make a difference’ matches local businesses wanting more from technology with local experts who can help. 

It is free to apply. Successful applications will be able explain what business problems you can solve and the relevant accreditations your company has. If your application is not successful, we will contact you, explain why, and try to help you succeed next time.

Comms Council UK is a thriving trade association involved in a sector that is diversifying rapidly from just voice services to other innovative IP applications.
Fit to Switch is funded entirely by the UK’s independent telecommunications providers. It’s the national brand and stamp of approval that businesses can look for when seeking to migrate their communications and IT assets over to a fibre connection for the All-IP world after the UK’s PSTN copper network is switched off in 2025.

Increase your revenue, develop your market, grow your business today.

Ready to find out how we can work with you to help meet your business objectives and bridge the gap between buyers and sellers with our market-leading intelligence and decades of strategy experience.