More information for local, technology experts

We have uncovered a challenge in the West Midlands and other regions concerning awareness of local IT providers in the small business community. Only 50% of small businesses know that you exist but even when they do, they don’t know where to find you.

This means that small businesses are struggling to access the technology that they need to succeed. They are trying to purchase IT from large national suppliers who cannot provide the guidance they need on investing in the right technology for the long-term, how it should be deployed or how it can be integrated with their legacy technology.

It also means that resellers and IT providers like you are missing the opportunity to help them. This is a shame because you are in such a great position to offer the service they need, retaining their interest in the benefits of technology and also building your own pipelines. The service will not only make small businesses aware that you are available to help but also add credibility to your brand when we introduce you.

By signing up and making us aware of the challenges you can solve, we can match you with the businesses looking for your support. We need time to verify that you can help the small businesses we have registered, but so allow us some time after you sign up before we are in touch.

Increase your revenue, develop your market, grow your business today.

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