Making a difference in the
West Midlands

Helping every business benefit from technology

Welcome to the ‘Making a difference’ West Midlands initiative

Almost every business in the West Midlands relies on technology. And it is becoming harder to buy. There is so much choice and it isn’t easy to pick the best solution for the job required. 

Making a difference is about helping local businesses to work with local technology experts in ways where everybody wins. We do this by matching the technology challenges a businesses has with local experts who can help.

Who can benefit...

Local Businesses

Learn more about how Making a Difference can help your business to grow.

Technology experts

Find out here if you are the sort of provider our West Midlands businesses need.

The data behind the initiative

Read the report that launched this initiative to find out about the brilliant growth possibilities in the WMCA.

Business growth advisors

Resources and support for business growth advisors.

Increase your revenue, develop your market, grow your business today.

Ready to find out how we can work with you to help meet your business objectives and bridge the gap between buyers and sellers with our market-leading intelligence and decades of strategy experience.